Maxo takes us through the duality of humanity and self with ‘’Even God Has a Sense of Humor’’

The Los Angeles rapper returns after a four year gap between his last release ‘’Lil Big Man.’’ Maxo takes us through a journey of his observations around him and observations of himself as he moves forward.

Maxo hands us a great and relevant theme while also lacing his competitiveness and ambitions as a rapper through the entirety of the album. He starts the album off with the questions we find ourselves coming across throughout life, no matter the particular avenues we may go down and driving home the particular point of experience.

‘’I guess you want it until you realize what it is’’ as he says on the opening track of the album ‘’Still.’’ Then, we find ourselves at the incredible Madlib produced single 48.

But, through the entirety of the album in a variety of ways Maxo taps into asking about the unknown, the uncertainty of everything. But, with the motivation to keep going at the same time. ‘’Even God Has a Sense of Humor’’ is a thought provoking, yet highly enjoyable listen. Maxo, sticks to his strengths and nullifies his weakness’ in all aspects. With a full album now under his belt, the ceiling for the rapper is as high as he wants it to be.


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