What do younger listeners have?

Growing up, I learned about hip-hop in two ways. Through my parents and the blog era.

The blog era was a creative way to get younger listeners invested in newer rap while also educating them on previous generations through co-signs, wearing their influences on their sleeve and more. But, what does this generation have?

I think although this generation has wider access to media and things of that nature, at the same time the spaces that were there for us are not as present as they used to be, and it plays into when people claim rap is not as exciting anymore.

The awards shows, music video countdowns, the community that came with being a fan of certain rapper groups and more.

I feel as if the OG’s of rap and the younger listenters have become more and more disconnected since around the streaming era started.


For the South: A Look Into Krit Wuz Here


Grief, mortality and our own reasons for living.